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Consequences of Failure A candidate who fails the examination at the first attempt will be permitted one resit opportunity. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course of study. S/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. A candidate who fails to achieve 50% at the first or second attempt but who has received 35% or more at the first attempt will be permitted to continue to study for the BSc Veterinary Sciences but not the BVetMed. 11. Honours Classification As BSc Veterinary Sciences for the relevant year12. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number. 13. Absence and Summative in- course assessment As BSc Veterinary Sciences for the relevant year. 14. Late submission of work As BSc Veterinary Sciences for the relevant year Annexe I The mark awarded out of 20 is derived from two marks out of 10: one based on factual information, integration of knowledge and organisation/presentation; the second mark based on understanding, critical ability and originality. A. Content, factual information, understanding of concepts and presentation markDescriptorsHonours class equivalent10Outstanding answer; an exceptional answer that covers everything that you can think of and more; no significant errors;  Class I9Excellent answer; covers everything you can think of; no significant errors; strong evidence of supplementary reading;; 8Very good answer; covers almost everything you can think of; no significant errors; good evidence of supplementary reading; 7Good answer; almost all relevant material is well covered; no significant errors; evidence of supplementary reading and integrationClass I border6Sound answer; sound coverage of factual content, even if limited to taught material; some omissions but no significant errors of fact; may contain some evidence of supplementary reading.Class 2/1 border5Adequate answer; factual content limited to taught material; lacking in detail with some errors or omissionsClass 2/2 border4Incomplete answer; information is sparse with inaccuracies and/or little appreciation of topic scope; contains some significant errorsClass 3 border3Deficient answer; a small amount of relevant material; several significant errors; many omissions Fail2Very bad failure; a few relevant facts; many errors Fail1Almost no competent response; one or two relevant facts; many errors (including cases where the question has been misread) Fail0No answer Fail B. Critical ability, originality, organisation and integration of knowledge markDescriptorsHonours class equivalent10Outstanding answer ; an exceptional answer demonstrating full understanding; exceptional critical ability; original throughout; excellent organisation and presentation of material; excellent integration Class I9Excellent answer ; Full understanding; excellent critical ability; displays many significant aspects that are original; excellent organisation and presentation of material; excellent integration8Very good answer; Very good understanding; very good critical ability; good evidence of originality; very good organisation, integration and presentation of material 7Good answer; Good evidence of conceptual understanding; well argued with critical discussion of evidence; some limited evidence of original thought and integration; organisation and presentation of material is clear, logical and accurateClass I border6Sound answer; Evidence of sound conceptual understanding; moderate critical ability; Some evidence of integration; no originality; organisation and presentation of material generally goodClass 2/1 border5Adequate answer; Some evidence of understanding but not sufficiently well argued or constructed; limited critical ability; little or not integration; no originality; organisation and presentation of material adequateClass2/2 border4Incomplete answer; Limited understanding; poor judgement about what is important and what is trivial; poor organisation and presentationClass 3 border3Deficient answer ; Considerable defects in understanding; no judgement about what is important and what is trivial; little or no organisation of materialFail2Very bad failure; Almost no understanding; no critical ability; no organisation Fail1Almost no competent response; No understanding; no critical ability; no organisation Fail0No answer Fail      !/abctvxIMNO; ? @ Y c   E F G e ֵhlJ5CJOJQJaJhlJ>*CJ^JaJhlJ5CJ^JaJhlJCJ\^JaJhlJ5CJ\^JaJhlJCJ^JaJhlJ5\^JaJhlJ^JaJB!$%abcfgvwtnh^h $If^$If$Ifskd$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la $If^$If$a$gdlJ wx{|| *$If^*$Ifskd$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la||r $If^ *$If^*$Ifskd$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 laHx$If^`$IfskdL$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 laHILM$Ifskd$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la N{  9r $If$Ifskd$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 laNORS$Ifskd$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la9 : $Ifukdx$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la: ; ? @ Y e f < = $Ifskd@$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la = > B C c $Ifskd$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la $Ifskd$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la   E F $Ifskd$$Ifl0y)1%0(64 laF G K L d e $Ifskd^ $$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la |$If$Ifskd" $$Ifl0y)1%0(64 la *nr`p  cs^zhlJjhlJUhlJ5CJ\^JaJhlJCJ^JaJhlJ5CJ^JaJ9}~~xxxx$Ifkd $$IflFu!)bu06    4 la{uuuu$Ifkd $$Ifl4Fu!)bu`06    4 laf4{uuu$IfkdQ $$Ifl4Fu!)bu 06    4 laf4 {uuu$Ifkd $$Ifl4Fu!)bu 06    4 laf4~xxx$Ifkd $$IflFu!)bu06    4 laZk~xxx$Ifkdw$$IflFu!)bu06    4 lakln~xxx$Ifkd'$$IflFu!)bu06    4 laijo~xxxx$Ifkd$$IflFu!)bu06    4 laopr~xxxx$Ifkd$$IflFu!)bu06    4 la*+0~xxxx$Ifkd7$$IflFu!)bu06    4 la013=>C~xrxx$If$Ifkd$$IflFu!)bu06    4 laCDEF~||z|ttt$Ifkd$$IflFu!)bu06    4 la~xxxx$IfkdG$$IflFt!)bt06    4 la\]{uuu$Ifkd$$Ifl4Ft!)bt`06    4 laf4]^`{uuu$Ifkd$$Ifl4Ft!)bt 06    4 laf4  {uuu$Ifkdm$$Ifl4Ft!)bt 06    4 laf4  ~xxx$Ifkd($$IflFt!)bt06    4 la~xxx$Ifkd$$IflFt!)bt06    4 laP`~xxx$Ifkd$$IflFt!)bt06    4 la`ac~xxx$Ifkd8$$IflFt!)bt06    4 laUV[~xxxx$Ifkd$$IflFt!)bt06    4 la[\^~xxxx$Ifkd$$IflFt!)bt06    4 la~xrxx$If$IfkdH$$IflFt!)bt06    4 la~|||||||||||||kd$$IflFt!)bt06    4 la":plJ. 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