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Form of Examination: Module 1 Fundamentals, Principles and Practice of Veterinary Epidemiology (FPPVE): Two written papers (Summer Exams): Paper 1 Three hour paper long answer questions covering term 1 teaching Paper 2 Three hour paper long answer questions; synthesis of the whole year covering skills, concepts and methods Module 2 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology (SME): Written report: Analysis of an epidemiological dataset and brief written report describing the approach to analysis and presenting and interpreting the results. Module 3 Economics of One Health (EOH): Written report. Module 4 Epidemiology and Control of Communicable Diseases (ECCD): Group-written outbreak investigation report and individual multiple choice question (MCQ) examination. Module 5 Applied Veterinary Epidemiology (AVE): Written report: Analysis of two epidemiological datasets, one involving a multivariable analysis and one a spatial analysis. Module 6 Modelling and the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases: Group work data analysis / modelling exercise and individual multiple choice question examination. Module 7: Research Project: Report: A report of not more than 5,000 words (in journal article format) including appendices (but excluding references, tables, figures). Oral Exam: An oral exam of approximately 20 minutes based upon the project. 6. Marking Criteria: 6.1 See Colleges marking scheme for RVC assessment 6.2 Overall module marks for module assessments marked at LSHTM shall be converted to RVC marks as described in Annexe A.7. Allocation of Marks within Modules and Credits Module Title Credit Value Assessments Assessment Size Assessment Weighting FPPVE Module 1 60 Paper 1 examination Paper 2 examination 3 hours 3 hours 50% 50% SME Module 2 15 Written report Report up to 2 sides single spaced A4 (excluding tables, 3 tables max) 100% EOH Module 3 15 Written report In-course assessment with 4 questions 100% ECCD Module 4 15 Group work assignment MCQ examination Group work (1.5 days with summary report 4 sides A4) 1 hour 20% 80% AVE Module 5 15 Written report Report up to 4000 words 100% Modelling Module 6 15 Group work assignment MCQ examination Group presentation 10 minutes 90 min 20% 80% Research Project Module 7 45 Written report Oral examination Up to 5,000 words 20 minutes 90% 10% 8. Pass requirements and gaining of credits for individual Modules Module 1: In order to pass Module 1 (and gain the associated credits) a student must attain an aggregated average of 50% across both examination papers with not less than 40% in either paper. Modules 2-6: In order to pass an individual module (and gain the associated credits) a student must obtain 50% for the module assessment or an aggregated average of 50% where there is more than one assessment within the module. Module 7: In order to pass Module 7 (and gain the associated credits) a student must obtain 50% for the aggregated average of the written work and oral examination. Postgraduate Certificate (exit award) In order to be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate a student must pass Module 1 (60 credits). Postgraduate Diploma (exit award) In order to be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Diploma as an exit award from the MSc course, a student must gain 120 credits by passing Module 1 and passing four of the five 15-credit modules (Modules 2-6). Credits from Module 7 will not count towards the PG Diploma. Compensation for a failed module: Where a student has obtained 50% as an aggregated average of four 15-credit modules but has failed only one of those four modules with not less than 40% s/he shall be awarded the PG Diploma. Where a student fails one of the four modules with less than 40%, or fails more than one of those four modules with less than 50%, they will only receive credits for those modules in which they achieved a mark of at least 50%. Postgraduate Diploma (stand-alone award) Students enrolled for the PG Diploma as a stand-alone award must gain 120 credits by passing Modules 1, 2 and 4 (90 credits) and two further modules (30 credits) from a choice of Modules 3, 5 and 6. PG Diploma students cannot take Module 7 to gain credits. Compensation for a failed module: Where a student has obtained 50% as an aggregated average of four 15-credit modules but has failed only one of those four modules with not less than 40% s/he shall be awarded the PG Diploma. Where a student fails one of the four modules with less than 40%, or fails more than one of those four modules with less than 50%, they will only receive credits for those modules in which they achieved a mark of at least 50%. MSc In order to be eligible for the award of MSc a student must gain 180 credits and must pass Modules 1 and 7. Compensation for a failed module: Where a student has obtained 50% as an aggregated average in Modules 2-6 but has failed only one 15-credit module with not less than 40% s/he shall be awarded the MSc. Where a student fails any of these five modules with less than 40%, or fails more than one of the modules with less than 50%, they will only receive credits for those modules in which they achieved a mark of at least 50%. 9. Consequences of Failure A candidate who fails one or more modules at the first attempt will be given one opportunity to re-sit the failed pieces of work of that module. More detailed guidance on the re-sitting of failed elements is given in the Re-sits Policy (Annexe B). A candidate who fails to gain credits at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course; s/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. They will be entitled to a lower award if they have gained sufficient credits as described in 8 above. 10. Classification and Awards: Module marks will be weighted by their credit value and then aggregated to form an overall percentage. Any module passed at the second attempt will be given a mark of 50% for this purpose. The overall percentage will lead to classification as follows: MSc, Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma 75% or more Distinction 65-74.99% Merit 50-64.99% Pass 11. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number.12. Absence from and Non-Submission of Assessment For modules undertaken at RVC and the Research Project, an allowable absence from examination or non-submission of an assessment is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence or non-submission will only be considered allowable if agreed by APRICOT and this will only apply in very strictly limited circumstances. For modules undertaken at LSHTM the relevant LSHTM procedures will apply. A student absent from, or not submitting, an assessment for any other reason will be awarded mark of zero for the assessment.13. Late Submission of Work The written report of the Research Project (Module 7) submitted after the due deadline will be subject to a maximum mark of a bare pass, the only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the Course Directors through the defined RVC procedure for an allowable reason. Assessments of RVC modules submitted after the due deadline will be subject to a maximum mark of a bare pass, the only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the Course Directors through the defined RVC procedure for an allowable reason. LSHTM assessments submitted after the due deadline will be treated in line with LSHTM procedures and are liable to incur a mark of zero, the only exception being if the student has been given an extension that has been agreed via therelevant LSHTM procedures.  Annexe A to Vet Epi Assessment and Award Regulations MSc/PGDip/PGCert Veterinary Epidemiology: scheme for converting LSHTM grades to RVC grades For Academic Year 2013-14 updated September 2013 The following table indicates how grades (marks) awarded under the LSHTM grading system (whereby individual component grades are marked on a six-point integer grading scale, which may be combined into more fine-grained gradepoint averages) should be mapped to the RVC Common Grading Scheme (whereby grades are given against a seventeen-point grading scale, with associated percentages). LSHTM Integer Grade PointLSHTM descriptorCommonly associated GPA range (may vary for individual assessments)Related points on RVC Common Grading SchemeLSHTM-to-RVC conversionFor GPAsFor Integer GPs0Not submitted (null)n/aNo answer (0%)0 ( 0%0 ( 0%0Very poor (fail)0.00 0.99Extremely poor answer (15%) Very poor answer (27%) Poor answer (35%)0.01 to 0.33 ( 15% 0.34 to 0.66 ( 27% 0.67 to 0.99 ( 35% 0 ( 27%1Unsatisfactory / poor (fail)1.00 1.99Clearly deficient answer (42%) Deficient answer (45%) Marginally deficient answer (48%)1.00 to 1.33 ( 42% 1.34 to 1.66 ( 45% 1.67 to 1.99 ( 48% 1 ( 45%2Satisfactory2.00 2.64Adequate answer (52%) Sound answer (55%) Very sound answer (58%)2.00 to 2.21 ( 52% 2.22 to 2.44 ( 55% 2.45 to 2.64 ( 58% 2 ( 55%3Good2.65 3.59Quite good answer (62%) Good answer (65%)2.65 to 3.14 ( 62% 3.15 to 3.59 ( 65%3 ( 62%4Very good3.60 4.49Very good answer (68%)3.60 to 4.49 ( 68%4 ( 68%5Excellent4.50 5.00Extremely good answer (75%) Excellent answer (82%) Outstanding answer (90%) Exceptional answer (100%)4.50 to 4.64 ( 75% 4.65 to 4.79 ( 82% 4.80 to 4.94 ( 90% 4.95 to 5.00 ( 100% 5 ( 90% As supporting rationale for the preceding conversions, the following table compares more detailed grade descriptors for RVC and LSHTM grades. RVC Mark descriptor and markRVC criteriaRVC postgrad classLSHTM descriptor and GPLSHTM criteriaLSHTM postgrad classNo answer (0%)Selection and coverage of material: Nothing presented or completely incorrect information or containing nothing at all of relevance. Understanding: None evident. No evidence of wider reading of an appropriate nature. Structure, clarity and presentation: None or extremely poor. FailNot submitted (0)Null mark may be given where work has not been submitted or attempted, or is in serious breach of assessment criteria/regulations. FailExtremely poor answer (15%)Selection and coverage of material: Hardly any information or information that is almost entirely incorrect or irrelevant. Understanding: No or almost no understanding evident. No, or almost no, evidence of wider reading of an appropriate nature. Structure, clarity and presentation: None or very poor. FailVery poor (0)Poor engagement with the topic, limited understanding, very poor argument & analysis. Simple general criteria for qualitative work: None of the major points present; many irrelevant points included and a serious lack of understanding. Simple general criteria for quantitative work: Some correct, essential part incorrect. FailVery poor answer (27%)Selection and coverage of material: Very limited amount of information that is correct and relevant. Understanding: If any, extremely limited evidence of understanding. No, or almost no, evidence of wider reading of an appropriate nature. Structure, clarity and presentation: Very poor. FailVery poor (0)FailPoor answer (35%)Selection and coverage of material: Little information that is correct and relevant. For projects, incomplete or inaccurate account of task with inadequate description of aims and methods of practical work and containing significant, and/or a large number of, errors. Understanding: If any, very limited evidence of understanding. There may be evidence of very limited wider reading of an appropriate nature. For projects, many unexplained observations or assertions likely; little or no evidence of original/innovative thinking; very limited reference to published work from authoritative sources. Structure, clarity and presentation: Poor. FailVery poor (0)FailClearly deficient answer (42%)As for 45 but with a greater number, and/or more significant, omissions/inaccuracies/errors, flaws in understanding, presentation and/or communication of information. There may be less evidence of wider reading of an appropriate nature. FailUnsatisfactory/ Poor (1)Inadequate engagement with the topic, gaps in understanding, poor argument & analysis. Simple general criteria for qualitative work: A few points are included, but lack of understanding is shown together with use of irrelevant points. Simple general criteria for quantitative work: Many correct but essential part (to be defined) incorrect or unknown.FailDeficient answer (45%)Selection and coverage of material: Superficial coverage of topic that is descriptive and flawed by many important omissions and/or significant errors. For projects, also incomplete record of aims and methods of practical work, little comment on most observations. Understanding: Some evidence of understanding but not of original thought or critical analysis. Evidence of limited wider reading of an appropriate nature. For projects, likely to be inaccuracies in data analysis and/or interpretation and unexplained observations or assertions; little or no evidence of original/innovative thought; very limited reference to published work from authoritative sources. Structure, clarity and presentation: Some disorganisation in structure, lack of organisation, and deficiencies in clarity of expression. For projects, adequate although may not be entirely systematic. FailUnsatisfactory/ Poor (1)FailMarginally deficient answer (48%)As for 45 but with fewer, and/or less significant, omissions/inaccuracies/errors, flaws in understanding, presentation and/or communication of information. There may be more evidence of wider reading of an appropriate nature. FailUnsatisfactory/ Poor (1)FailAdequate answer (52%)As for 55 but with more numerous, and/or more significant omissions/inaccuracies/errors, flaws in understanding, presentation and/or communication of information. There may be less evidence of wider reading of an appropriate nature. PassSatisfactory (2) Adequate evidence of engagement with the topic but some gaps in understanding or insight, routine argument & analysis, and may have some inaccuracies or omissions. Simple general criteria for qualitative work: Sufficient relevant information is included but not all major points are discussed, and there may be some errors of interpretation. Simple general criteria for quantitative work: Essential parts correct (to be defined), some incorrect.PassSound answer (55%)Selection and coverage of material: Basic coverage of main aspects of topic but with some significant omissions/inaccuracies/errors. For projects, systematic account of task with adequate record of aims and methods of practical work and no significant errors, omissions or inaccuracies; but appropriate speculation is unlikely or, if present, is likely to be unsubstantiated. Understanding: Statements supported by facts but limited evidence of critical ability or powers of argument. Evidence of sufficient wider reading of an appropriate nature. For projects, sufficient reference to published work from authoritative sources; data are largely accurate but there may be some unexplained observations or assertions; limited evidence of original/innovative thought. Structure, clarity and presentation: In general, (reasonably) organised and logical presentation with adequate clarity of expression. PassSatisfactory (2)PassVery sound answer (58%)As for 55 but with fewer, and/or less significant omissions/inaccuracies/errors and more evidence of critical ability and/or powers of argument and clarity of expression. There may be more evidence of wider reading of an appropriate nature. PassSatisfactory (2)PassQuite good answer (62%)As for 65 but with more, and/or more significant, omissions/inaccuracies/errors and less evidence of critical ability/judgement. There may be less evidence of wider reading of an appropriate nature. PassGood (3)Good (but not necessarily comprehensive) engagement with the topic, clear understanding & insight, reasonable argument & analysis, but may have some inaccuracies or omissions. Simple general criteria for qualitative work: The major points are discussed, but relevant, though less important considerations, are omitted. Simple general criteria for quantitative work: Most correct, a few incorrect allowed.PassGood answer (65%)Selection and coverage of material: Good coverage of relevant material and clear evidence of critical judgement in selection of information. Few or no significant omissions or errors. For projects, systematic and accurate account of task with full record of aims and methods of practical work and no significant errors or omissions; some speculation, where appropriate, but may not be fully supported. Understanding: Thorough grasp of concepts and evidence of synthesis of information and critical ability. Evidence of sufficient, or some more extensive, wider reading of an appropriate nature. For projects, reasonable comment on all observations with few unexplained findings or assertion; some evidence of original/innovative thinking; appropriate reference to published work from authoritative sources; data manipulated and analysed correctly. Structure, clarity and presentation: Logical and organised structure with clarity of expression. MeritGood (3)Pass (there is no merit option)Very good answer (68%)As for 65 but with fewer, and/or less significant, omissions/inaccuracies/errors. More evidence of critical judgement likely. There may be more evidence of wider reading of an appropriate nature. MeritVery good (4)Very good engagement with the topic, very good depth of understanding & insight, very good argument & analysis. This work may be borderline distinction standard. Note that very good work may have some inaccuracies or omissions but not enough to question the understanding of the subject matter. Simple general criteria for qualitative work: A full discussion of the topic that includes all relevant information and critical evaluation. Simple general criteria for quantitative work: Almost all correct, none incorrect. Pass (there is no merit option)Extremely good answer (75%)Selection and coverage of material: Question answered fully and accurately. Few errors and/or omissions and none of significance. For projects, full and accurate account of task, aims and methods of practical work with few errors and/or omissions and none of significance; where appropriate, sensible speculation, supported by evidence. Understanding: Thorough grasp of concepts with evidence of powers of critical analysis, argument and original thinking . Evidence of extensive wider reading of an appropriate nature. For projects, also some critical and/or comparative comment on all observations; clear evidence of original/innovative thinking; published work from authoritative sources used extensively and appropriately; data manipulated and analysed correctly. Structure, clarity and presentation: Logical and organised structure with clarity of expression. For projects, very well organised. DistinctionExcellent (5)Excellent engagement with the topic, excellent depth of understanding & insight, excellent argument & analysis. Generally, this work will be distinction standard. NB that excellent work does not have to be outstanding or exceptional by comparison with other students; these grades should not be capped to a limited number of students per class. Nor should such work be expected to be 100% perfect some minor inaccuracies or omissions may be permissible. Simple general criteria for qualitative work: A comprehensive discussion of the topic giving all relevant information, showing in-depth critical understanding of the topic, going beyond conventional answers, and bringing in additional relevant ideas or material. Simple general criteria for quantitative work: All correct.DistinctionExcellent answer (82%)As for 75 but demonstrating an authoritative grasp of concepts with sustained powers of argument, and frequent insights (and for projects, much evidence of original/innovative thinking). Virtually no errors or omissions and none of significance.DistinctionExcellent (5)DistinctionOutstanding answer (90%)As for 85 but with strong evidence of independent thinking throughout and no omissions or factual errors. For projects, also original/innovative thinking, and would be of publishable standard with only minor modifications to content.DistinctionExcellent (5)DistinctionExceptional answer (100%)Selection and coverage of material: Exceptional depth of coverage with no identifiable errors or omissions. Understanding: Exceptional powers of analysis, argument, synthesis and insight. Considerable evidence of extensive wider reading of an appropriate nature. Structure, clarity and presentation: Flawless. For projects, of publishable standard with only amendments in style/formatting required. DistinctionExcellent (5)Distinction Annexe B to Veterinary Epidemiology Assessment and Award Regulations MSc/PGDip/PGCert Veterinary Epidemiology: re-sits policy For Academic Year 2013-14 updated September 2013 Introduction: If a student fails any of the modules which form part of the course, the Exam Board will determine whether or not a re-sit is required, based on the criteria below and as set out in the main Assessment and Award Regulations. Any re-sit requirements or options, with associated deadlines or timing, should be communicated to the student as soon as possible by the Exams Office. Key principles are: that only one re-sit is permitted for any summative assessment task failed such that credits have not been obtained; and that assessment tasks which have been passed may not be re-sat, even if the overall Module they form part of has been failed. Failed in-course assessments (Modules 2 to 6): In general, students who have failed a module should expect to re-sit it, unless compensation can be applied as set out in Section 8 of the Assessment and Award Regulations. If a module can be compensated it cannot be re-sat. An interim Exam Board meeting will take place during the summer to consider marks of all candidates in-course assessments and identify any candidates who have failed module assessments. Re-sit requirements will be communicated back to students after this, for module re-sit assessments to take place on designated dates in September of the same year. Students should usually re-sit in September of the same academic year in which they first failed the module. If a student cannot re-sit then, they may do so in September of the following year. If a part-time student fails any modules in their first year, they are entitled to re-sit them in September of that year. Note that if they choose to defer re-sitting until the second year, it is possible that a single module failed (but with a mark of 40% or above) in the first year may then be compensated by performance in other modules, in which case the student will no longer be permitted to re-sit it. Grades for re-sat LSHTM modules will be capped at a maximum of GP 3 (equivalent to RVC 62%), in line with LSHTM policy. Marks for re-sat RVC modules will be capped at a minimum pass mark (50%). Re-sit coursework should not require students to return to London. Re-sit exams or tests may need to be sat in London, but may potentially be completed at a distance where feasible and agreed with those responsible for setting, administering and marking the assessment. Failed Summer Exams (Module 1): A candidate who does not at his/her first entry successfully complete the examination or part of the examination may re-enter that part of the examination on one occasion. Such re-entry will be at the next following examination, i.e. the following year. For part-time students who have opted to take Paper 1 in year 1 of their studies and fail it, a re-sit of Paper 1 would be allowed in year 2. Failed Research Projects (Module 7): If a candidate fails the research project component then both the report and the oral examination will need to be re-done. It will be at the discretion of the Exam Board (drawing on the advice of the markers and the Course Directors) to determine whether the candidate can amend the project they submitted, or will need to collect further/new data prior to revising and re-submitting, or whether the candidate will need to undertake an entirely new project. All students that have to re-sit their research project should receive feedback that will guide them in this task. Revisions should be based on written feedback provided by staff. Students are also allowed one meeting with either their supervisor or a Course Director, and/or email correspondence up to a total of two hours staff time, to help clarify this guidance. Staff are not expected to read or comment on revised drafts prior to re-submission. Alongside the revised final report, the student should submit a track changes version showing modifications from the original, or else give a summary sheet describing the specific changes made. Written feedback provided by staff on the original submission should provide guidance for the direction any new work should take. The same level of supervision should be provided for this as for a first attempt project wherever possible, although the same supervisor may not always be available. For further data collection projects, a revised ethics submission may be needed. For entirely new projects, the student should go through the full project approval procedure again (including ethics). For further data collection, if there are practical barriers to obtaining material or an appropriate supervisor cannot be found, it may be necessary for the student to undertake a new project. Students will be expected to re-submit a project that the Exam Board has determined requires amendment within 3 months of their receiving notification of this decision. An extension may be requested by writing to the Examinations Office within 7 days of notification if for reasons such as employment the student anticipates being unable to meet this deadline. Students will be expected to submit a project that the Exam Board has determined requires collection of further/new data prior to revision and submission, or a completely new project, by the deadline for project submission in the next academic year. Oral examination re-sits Ordinarily candidates are required to re-sit the oral examination in person, but overseas candidates may (at the discretion of the Exam Board) be allowed the choice to re-sit the oral exam at a distance. For amended projects, special arrangements for oral exam re-sits will be made following re-submission. For further data collection or new projects, oral exams will take place at the standard time for that academic year, i.e. a year after the original oral exam.      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