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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`CAVPEnrolmentsWhenMod MSczMVetMed ULIP~Level 7 Modules!  ;  ;5Sffh, @bZ   3 A@@   S|1A-FAVP Foundation of Advanced Veterinary PracticeA-PKS.1 Professional Key SkillsB-CKS.0 Clinical Key SkillsB-EP.3 Equine Practice"B-GVM.5 Global Veterinary MedicineB-SAP.1 Small Animal Practice6C-E.1 Equine Gastrointestinal Disease & Intensive Care1C-E.2 Equine Cardiovascular & Respiratory DiseaseC-E.3 Equine General Medicine6C-E.4 Equine Neuromuscular, Behaviour & Special SensesC-ECC.1 Critical CareC-ECC.2 Emergency Care AC-ECC.3 Emergency Care B C-SAM.10 Small Animal Medicine CC-SAM.8 Small Animal Medicine AC-SAM.9 Small Animal Medicine B#C-SAS.1 Small Animal Surgery (core)C-SAS.2 Soft Tissue Surgery AC-SAS.3 Soft Tissue Surgery BC-SAS.6 Orthopaedic Surgery AC-SAS.7 Orthopaedic Surgery B-C-VA.1 Small Animal Anaesthesia and Analgesia'C-VA.2 Equine Anaesthesia and Analgesia"C-VA.3 Critical Care and Analgesia!C-VC.2 Cardiovascular Diagnostics"C-VC.3 Cardiovascular Therapeutics1C-VDI.1 Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging in Practice6C-VDI.2 Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging - Orthopaedics5C-VDI.3 Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging - Soft Tissue)C-VDI.4 Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging A)C-VDI.5 Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging B2C-VP.1 Basic Tissue Pathology, Necropsy and Biopsy2C-VP.2 Clinical Pathology - Laboratory Diagnostics(C-VPH.1 Animal Welfare in the Food Chain#C-VPH.2 Hygienic Production of Food Module name)B-PAP.2 Production Animal Practice (Pigs),B-PAP.2 Production Animal Practice (Poultry)%C-P.1 Reproductive Management of Pigs<C-P.2 Infectious Diseases, Diagnosis, Prevention and ControlFC-P.3 Intensive Pig Production: Management and Non-Infectious Diseases(C-POU.1 Poultry Husbandry and Management;C-POU.2 Poultry Disease Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment\C-POU.3 Minor Poultry Species, Hatcheries and Incubation, Poultry Processing and Legislation7C-VC.1 Cardiovascular Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology(Principles and Practices of Food Systems PG Cert ILHP PG Dip ILHPMSc ILHPPeople in the SystemCurrent Trends in Food SystemsApplied Animal Welfare Epidemiology#Food Safety: A system-wide approach-Genetics and Genomics in Livestock Management=Infectious Diseases of Intensively Reared Livestock  Poultry:Infectious Diseases of Intensively Reared Livestock  PigsAnimal Health EconomicsApplied Animal Nutrition$Research Methods for the Food SystemILHP Research Project!Associate in Veterinary EducationAssociate in Vet Ed/Principles and Practice in Veterinary EducationPG Cert Vet Ed&Current Issues in Veterinary Education MSc Vet Ed%Veterinary Education Research ProjectConservation Biology WAH and WAB$The Impact of Disease on Populations*Health and Welfare of Captive Wild Animals Interventions.Detection and Surveillance of Emerging DiseaseEcosystem Health<Evaluation of the Health and Welfare of Captive Wild AnimalsPractical ModuleWABWAHWild Animal Research Module8Introduction to Risk Analysis in Health and Food Safety PG Cert RAiHFS MSc One Health-Introduction to disease agents for One HealthInfectious disease emergence8Introduction to One Health epidemiology and surveillanceEconomics of One HealthOne Health skills development&Medical anthropology and public health0Vector biology and vector-parasite interactions Environmental epidemiology6Epidemiology & Control of Communicable Diseases (ECCD)"PG Dip Vet Epi (stand-alone award) MSc Vet EpiPG Dip Vet Epi (exit award)Globalisation & HealthMSc One Health Research ProjectHFundamentals, Principles and Practice of Veterinary Epidemiology (FPPVE)PG Cert Vet EpiPG Dip Vet Epi)Statistical Methods in Epidemiology (SME)Economics of One Health (EOH)1Modelling and the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases&Applied Veterinary Epidemiology (AVE):Core modules Applied Research Skills Applied statistics and SPSS)Describing and Interpreting Clinical DataDigital Literacy for Vets#Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine Practical Veterinary Education Required Formative moduleScientific writingElective modules  #Advanced General Veterinary Surgery0Advanced Large Animal Medicine And Critical Care)Anaesthesia and Analgesia Research Review#Basic Small Animal Echocardiography%Biophysics, Equipment and Monitoring %Bovine Health Management Journal ClubCardiology Book ClubClinical Pathology RoundsClinical Pharmacology%Comparative Ophthalmology  Book Club2Comparative Ophthalmology  Practical Assessment 12Comparative Ophthalmology  Practical Assessment 2&Comparative Ophthalmology Journal Club)Critical Literature Review In Anaesthesia3Critical Literature Review in Large Animal Medicine2Critical Literature Review In Large Animal Surgery&Critical Literature Review In Oncology<Critical Literature Review In Veterinary Clinical Pathology CSF Cytology RoundsDiagnostic Imaging Case RoundsDiagnostic Imaging Journal ClubECG InterpretationEquine Cytology RoundsEquine OphthalmologyFeline Cardiology0Gastrointestinal modules 1 and 2 (Small Animals)General Pathology 1 & 2Histopathology I .Lab Based Diagnostics for Farm Animal Diseases+Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging Case Rounds,Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging Journal club!Large Animal Respiratory Medicine'Literature Review In Diagnostic ImagingMolecular & Cellular Biology,Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology & LocomotionNephrology And Urology Oncology 1 Oncology 2UPathology Of The Alimentary Tract (Gastrointestinal Tract, Exocrine Pancreas & Liver):Pathology Of The Haemopoietic And Lymphoreticular Systems (Pathology Of The Respiratory Tract 4Principles of Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology%Principles Of Veterinary Neurosurgery6Problem Solving In Cancer Chemotherapy And Biotherapy ;Problem Solving in Clinical Oncology Book Club - Part 1 & 2Problem Solving In Neurology4Problem Solving In Neurophysiology And Neuropharmacy*Problem Solving In Veterinary Neuroanatomy2Skin: At The Frontier - The Enemy Without & WithinSmall Animal Gastroenterology)Small Animal Surgery  Diagnostic Imaging$Small Animal Surgery  Journal Club :Small Animal Surgery  Slatter Book Club & Practical Exam #Systemic Veterinary Pathology 1 & 2Urogenital Pathology#Veterinary Dermatology Journal ClubVeterinary DermatolpathologyVeterinary Neuroradiology%Veterinary Pathology Journal Club240-Hour Individual ModulesNote: When applying for the MSc, Pg Diploma or Pg Certificate, the following courses are compulsory core courses. These courses can also be studied on a stand-alone basis.Z q Module Code Module Name AssessmentFeeLHM001!Animal Disease (Current Concepts) TMA + examVPM0189Developing and Monitoring of Livestock Production SystemsLVM004(Epidemiology and Animal Health EconomicsLHM002"Principles of Livestock ProductionVPM012.Statistical Methods in Veterinary EpidemiologyLVM006Veterinary Public HealthNote: When applying for the MSc, Pg Diploma or Pg Certificate, the following courses are optional courses. These courses can also be studied on a stand-alone basis.Z j VPM0137Advanced Statistical Methods in Veterinary Epidemiology TMA + ExamLHM016Animal WelfareLVM019.Economics for Livestock Development and PolicyLVM017@Management of Infectious Disease Outbreaks in Animal PopulationsLHM009/Reproduction and Fertility  A Species ApproachLVM0149Research Design, Management and Grant Application WritingLHM0200Sustainable Livestock Farming in the EnvironmentVPM015/Surveillance and Investigation of Animal Health<QNote: When studying for the MSc programme, there is an optional Research Project which may be studied. This is applicable to both MSc programmes.50-Hour Individual Modules LVM506KIntroduction to Veterinary Public Health, Risk Analysis and Risk assessmentTMALVM507 1Zoonoses of Parasitic, Bacterial and Viral OriginLVM508 =Principles of Food Safety Control and  Farm to Fork Concept. LVM509GControl of Food Safety: Red Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Milk and Milk Products LVM510VDevelopment of a Disease Control Programme: Salmonella in Pigs and Bovine Tuberculosis LVM511QIntroduction to Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Study Design and Analysis of Data LVM512GPrinciples , Methodology and Sampling in Epidemiological Investigations LVM513^Design and Analysis of Epidemiological Investigations  Observational and Intervention studies LVM515+Tools for Economic Analysis in Epidemiology LVM501-Advanced Risk Analysis Using @ Risk Software  LVM502Herd Health Management  LVM503Animal Disease Surveillance 35-Hour Individual ModulesFee  LVM3141Introduction to Statistics and Hypothesis testing8-short answer questions LVM3158Statistical Aspects of Study Design and Analysis of DataLVM316 dPrinciples of Veterinary Epidemiological Investigations and Some Descriptive Epidemiological MethodsLVM317 MDesign and Analysis of Epidemiological Investigations  Observational StudiesLVM318 KDesign and Analysis of Epidemiological Investigations  Intervention StudiesLVM319 +Principles of Farm-Animal Economic AnalysisLVM320 Tools for Economic Analysis LVM321%Use of Economic Tools in Epidemiology LVM322*Sampling in Epidemiological Investigations LVM323NDiagnostic Decision Making and Epidemiological Disease Information Management LVM332#Risk Analysis using @ Risk SoftwareTMA only LVM3244An Introduction to Risk Analysis and Risk Assessment LVM3254An Overview of Zoonotic Diseases Caused by Parasites LVM326GAn Overview of Zoonotic Diseases Caused by Bacteria, Virus & RickettsiaLVM327 ;Principles of Food Safety Control and Antibiotic Resistance LVM328-Control of Food Safety  Red Meat and Poultry LVM3294Control of Food Safety  Eggs, Milk and Milk Products LVM330?Development of a Disease Control Programme  Salmonella in Pigs LVM3318Development of a Disease Control Programme  Bovine T.B. LVM305AAnimal Transport and Slaughter  critical welfare considerations LVM303 /Welfare Issues in Systems Involving ConfinementLVM304 +Welfare Issues in Extensive Farming SystemsLVM3337Animal Health Analysis and Database Management on FarmsLVM334Animal Disease ModellingDistance Learning Specific The Following Courses are offered via the ϲ, Distance Learning Office ONLY. Application should be directed to Distance Learning.]a Course Code Course title Course FeeV70 70-Hour Short Course:4Investigation of Spatial Patterns of Animal Disease 3 V35 - 135-Hour Short Course:JGeographic Information Systems in the Spatial Analysis of Animal Diseases I V35  2CExploring and Modelling of Spatial Data in Veterinary Epidemiology +Medical anthropology and public health LSTM5Vector biology and vector-parasite interactions LSTMepiecon$disease management and public healthwelfareLivestock productionresearch skillspathprof and managementgeneric clinicalequine clinicalsmall clinical conservationCertAVPwahbulipilhponerisk Credit ValueInterventions for Wildlife Impact of Disease on Populations*Surveillance of Animal Health & ProductionMethods of Enquiry 1Methods of Enquiry 2Foundations of ProfessionalismProf DocSmall Animal Internal MedicineSmall Animal Surgery$Small Animal Anaesthesia & AnalgesiaSmall Animal Diagnostic Imaging PG Dip VCPEquine SurgeryEquine Anaesthesia & AnalgesiaEquine MedicineEquine Diagnostic ImagingProduction Animal Cattle 1 Production Animal Small RuminantProduction Animal CamelidProduction Animal Cattle 2Production Animal Cattle 3Production Animal Cattle 4Production Animal Module TitleN/A/Principles & Practice in Veterinary Education I Education0Principles & Practice in Veterinary Education IIPPVE IPPVE IIPG Cert Vet Ed-Enhancing Teaching & Learning with Technology PG Dip Vet Ed1Teaching the Basic Sciences in a Clinical ContextAssessment, Feeback & Learning-Clincial Reasoning and Patient-Based TeachingSmall Group Teaching"Lecturing and Large Group Teaching$Evidence-Based Veterinary Education 9Educational Research Methods - Qualitative & Quantitative<B-PAP.2 Production Animal Practice (Cattle, sheep, camelids)2C-VCG.1 Clinical Governance in Veterinary PracticeC-VGP.1 Clinical AuditC-VGP.2 Consultation Skills0C-VGP.3 Professional Responsibility and Practice:C-VML.1 Principles of Veterinary Management and LeadershipOC-VCM.1 Principles of Coaching and Mentoring Development in Veterinary Practice primary care3Epidemiological Aspects of Laboratory InvestigationApplied Veterinary Epidemiologyone, epiFoundations of One Health environmental changes Biosecurity Subjct AreaCourseG HK JY0K~LNOOP )Rw S` S0 UR Vn3W6XTY [Yc\N]m^`^aMcd\d=/f}dghcjlDlmoypq {s t u(wVwAxoxyzf{O|}}~ccB T8 . @  dMbP?_*+%,JG&C&"Arial,Bold"&14CertAVP enrolment statistics&R&"Arial,Bold"&8AV/05/14&?'?(?)?M \\HHSRVSAFESLAV02\Hawkshead_B&D S 4UXXA4PRIV0'''' \ P4(&=L $ SMTJx HP Universal Printing PSHPDocUISUITrueESPRITSupportedTrueHPOrientationHPOrientationPortraitHPSmartDuplexSinglePageJobTrueHPSmartDuplexOddPageJobTrueHPOrientRotate180FalsePostScriptCustomPageSizeFalseDuplexDuplexNoTumbleHPReverseOrderForFold_StitchTrueHPManualDuplexFirstHalfRotateTRUEPaperSizeDefaultForLocaleEuropeanHPBestGlossDefaultInputSlot*UseFormTrayTableHPDuplicateJobNameOverrideSWFWPageSizeA4PageRegionLeadingEdgeMediaTypeAUTOHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueCollateTrueJCLHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseJCLEconomodeFalseOutputBinAutoStapleLocationNonePunchingNoneTextAsBlackFalseAlternateLetterHeadFalseJCLResolution600dpiJCLPrintQualityNoneJCLFastResNoneHPConsumerCustomPaperTruePrintQualityGroupPQGroup_23JRHDInstalledJRHDOffHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTrueHPPageExceptionsFileHPCPE160HPPageExceptionsInterfaceShowPageExceptionsHPPageExceptionsLowEndHPPageExceptionsLowEndVerHPPageExceptionsCoverInsertionHPEnableRAWSpoolingTrueHPDocPropResourceDataHPCabFileNameRGBColorNoCmdCMYKInksNoCmdOutputProfileSHDefaultJRConstraintsJRCHDFullHPColorSmartAutomaticHPColorSmart_ColorOptions_EdgeControlNoCmdHPColorSmart_ColorOptions_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorModeCOLOR_MODEHPColorSmart_Text_NeutralGraysNoCmdHPColorSmart_Text_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Text_RGBColorNoCmdHPColorSmart_Graphics_NeutralGraysNoCmdHPColorSmart_Graphics_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Graphics_RGBColorNoCmdHPColorSmart_Photo_NeutralGraysNoCmdHPColorSmart_Photo_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Photo_RGBColorNoCmdHPPJLEncodingUTF8HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_GROUPNAMEHPBornOnDateHPBODHPJobByJobOverrideJBJOHPJobAccWoPinTruePSAlignmentFileHPCLS160HPSmartHubInet_SID_263_BID_514_HID_265HPColorAsGrayTrueCNOutputNoneCNStapleNoneCNOffsetFalseCNPunchingNoneCNFoldingNoneJCLSHOutputBinNoneJCLSHStapleNoneJCLSHPunchingNoneJCLSHFoldingNoneJCLSHFrontCoverInsertionNoneJCLSHBackCoverInsertionNoneIUPH"xjAM@ " &zYcP+ʚLljk*PiilRwBW#(C.}oxlveILj9;;0s̙E-KޓjuhlFqW Ȟ8C}Y<&(u<_%Oz3 tn^2.hH;ظ%F QSu6ڌS/:pc܃GyJ'!H#>*³ݒ~y=ۉj5-ړ<ɥ&lBdő&&>>^3RȄnc,#ˬاmR2笳l yߔb5Ӣ4bC[7T!Pl->mD {b{q@Le-++YTz3o~2wN_o4ϻ蚊7B!B!# xw<" UXX??& U} $R@} $ @Column A.,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@ ,@ ,@ ,@ ,@ ,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@,@ B# A A A A A A$ A% A A A A A A A A A& A' A( A) A* A+ A A A A A A A A A AD@l ,@!,@",@#,@$,@%,@&,@',@(,@),@*,@+,@,,@-,@ A !A, "A #A $A %A &A 'A (A )A *A +A! ,A"-C >@]dd-ggD T8 (4N  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?"333333?333333?&<3U} 0} } m} m               -~ >@U T.  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