Department: Pathobiology and Population Sciences

Campus: Hawkshead

Research Groups: Host-Pathogen Interactions and Vaccinology, IRLFS (Research Programme)

Judy graduated with a 1st class BSc (Hons) degree in Biomedical Sciences from the University of the West of England, during which she spent a schollarship year working with Professor Ted Ross at the East Carolina School of Medicine on the development of  DNA vaccines for influenza viruses. Judy completed her PhD on the epidemiology, genetic and antigenic characterisation of the novel ‘human matapnumovirus’ at the Health Protection Agency, under the supervision of Professor Maria Zambon, before joining the RVC as a post-doctoral virologist working with Professor Joe Brownlie to study the pathogeneisis of, and to  develop a vaccine for, canine respiratory coronavirus. Judy now leads the microbiology research within this interdisciplinary team. Judy also has an active interest in the development of novel molecular diagnostics for veterinary medicince.

Judy’s research interests are in new and emerging infectious diseases. She has previously worked on a number of respiratory viruses including influenza, human metapneumovirus and other paramyxoviruses. Her current focus is on understanding the role of viruses in the pathogenesis of canine infectious respiratory disease (CIRD); a multifactorial disease complex of dogs involving many different viral and bacterial agents; with a view to developing new and efficacious vaccines. Recently Judy has been working on a number of new and emerging viruses in this area and in other companion animal species, in particular canine corona-, hepaci- and pneumo- viruses. Judy also has an interest in developing novel molecular diagnostics for use in veterinary medicine and currently supervises a number of PhD projects in these combined areas.

Milne G, Fujimoto C, Bean T, Peters HJ, Hemmington M, Taylor C, Fowkes RC, Martineau HM, Hamilton CM, Walker M, Mitchell JA, Léger E, Priestnall SL, Webster JP.
Front Psychiatry. 2020 Sep 16;11:513536. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.513536.

A. L. Jones, A. Su_arez-Bonnet, J. A. Mitchell, G. A. Ramirez, M. F. Stidworthy and S. L. Priestnall. Avian Papilloma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma: a Histopathological, Immunohistochemical and Virological study. J. Comp. Path. 2020, Vol. 175, 13-23.

Szczepanski A, Owczarek K, Bzowska M, Gula K, Drebot I, Ochman M, Maksym B, Rajfur Z, Mitchell JA, Pyrc K. Viruses. 2019 Apr 5; 11(4).

Szczepanski A, Owczarek K, Milewska A, Baster Z, Rajfur Z, Mitchell JA, Pyrc K. Vet Res. 2018 Jul 3;49(1):55.

Mitchell JA, Cardwell J, Leach H, Walker CA, Le Poder S, Decaro N, Rusvai M, Egberink H, Rottier P, Ferdenaz M, Fragkiadaki E, Shields S and Brownlie J. European surveillance of emerging pathogens associated with canine infectious respiratory disease. Veterinary Microbiology. Volume 212, December 2017, Pages 31-38

El-Attar L, Mitchell J, Brownlie H, Priestnall S, Brownlie J. . Virology (2015). 484: 93-102

Caddy S, de Rougemont A, Emmott E, El-Attar L, Mitchell JA, Belliot G, Brownlie J, Le Pendu J, Goodfellow I. Evidence for human norovirus infection of dogs in the UK. Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2015 Apr 1. pii: JCM.02778-14). 

Mitchell JA, Brownlie J. The challenges in developing effective canine infectious respiratory disease vaccines. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2015. Mar; 67(3):372-81.

Caddy S, Emmott E, El-Attar L, Mitchell J, de Rougemont A, Brownlie J, Goodfellow I. Serological Evidence for Multiple Strains of Canine Norovirus in the UK Dog Population. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 5;8(12):e81596.

Mitchell JA, Cardwell J, Dubovi E and Brownlie J. Detection of canine pneumovirus in dogs with canine infectious respiratory disease. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2013 Dec; 51(12):4112-9.

Priestnall S, Mitchell JA, Walker CA, Erles K, Brownlie J. New and Emerging Pathogens in Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease: A Review. Journal of Veterinary Pathology. 14 Nov 2013.

Mitchell JA, Brooks HW, Szladovits B, Erles K, Gibbons R, Shields S, Brownlie J. Tropism and pathological findings associated with canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV). 2013. Veterinary Microbiology 162 (2-4): 582-94.

Mitchell JA, Brooks H, Shiu KB, Brownlie J, and Erles K. Development of a quantitative real time PCR for the detection of canine respiratory coronavirus. 2009. Journal of Virological Methods 155(2): 136-42.

Priestnall SL, Mitchell JA, Brooks HW, Brownlie J, Erles K. Quantification of mRNA encoding cytokines and chemokines and assessment of ciliary function in canine tracheal epithelium during infection with canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV). 2009. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 127(1-2):38-46.

Mitchell JA, Green TD, Bright RA, Ross TM. Induction of heterosubtypic immunity to influenza A virus using a DNA vaccine expressing hemagglutinin-C3d fusion proteins. 2003. Vaccine 21(9-10):902-14.

Judy teaches on the BVetMed and BSc Bioveterinary Sciences and Biosciences courses. She supervises a number of PhD and MRes students within the field of viology and molecular diagnostics.

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