Published: 24 Feb 2020 | Last Updated: 24 Feb 2020 11:31:49

Andy wanted to run for a charity worthy of the memory of his mum, Pam, after she passed away in 2019. When he came across the Animal Care Trust, he knew he'd found what he was looking for.

This April, Andy and Kim Gray will be running the London Marathon, raising funds for the Animal Care Trust. Kim tells us why they are running for the ACT and what it means to them:

“I've never been a particularly serious runner, though I've always run. My first marathon attempt was back in 2014 after running only 17 times in the year to September. I decided that I wanted to do a marathon before I was 30, so I did – but I swore I would NEVER do another. I have not run another. Instead, I turned my attention to ultra-marathons!

Andy and Kim are preparing to run the London Marathon for the Animal Care Trust

“Fast forward to 2019, and Andy announced that he would like to do a marathon before he was 50 (and he wanted me to do it too!). He had taken up running in 2018 but was plagued with injuries and unable to train consistently because he frequently travels for work.

“Unfortunately, his lovely Mum passed away in April 2019 and as we sat watching the London Marathon with his Dad, the plan was hatched.

“Andy’s mum, Pam, was an avid animal lover and we all felt it a fitting tribute to her to run for a charity that she would have had an affinity to. That said, marathon plans were put on hold while I ran a couple of ultra-marathons and unfortunately in September 2019, succumbed to a foot injury which put me out of action until the end of January 2020.

“Andy kept his head down and got some solid half marathon performances in. Following the ballot announcements, Andy set about looking for a worthy charity to run for. I sat on the side-lines the way an injured runner does, thinking that it was an impossible task.

“Andy searched and searched for a charity worthy of the memory of his mum. When he came across the Animal Care Trust, he knew he'd found what he was looking for. Both myself and Andy have always loved animals, but never lived a lifestyle conducive to having any of our own.

“When I was at school, I did my work experience at a veterinary practice and, unfortunately, never got in to working with animals, but humans instead. I particularly appreciate the overlap, with the charities research work influencing human medicine too.

“Andy grew up with a Labrador at home and worked on a farm from the age of 11. He is often happiest out on long dog walks with his mums dog. I grew up with a pet cow and a pony. At the moment, we are often found on walks with friends and families dogs. There is something quite difficult about not taking them home afterwards, but we are so rarely at home. Our dream would be to have a small holding, with donkeys, sheep, cows, horses, ducks, hens... you get the picture!

“It is a privilege to run for the Animal Care Trust, and we are confident that we will smash the fundraising target once life settles down a bit! I will be doing a bake sale at work and we are thinking about selling each mile for a tattoo on our arms. We have family who are keen to help out as well.”



Up for a challenge? We have a few places remaining to run for the Animal Care Trust at the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October 2020. Every step you take and every mile you run will help us improving animal health and care.


Register your interest



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