Term or AcronymDescription
Accessibility Accessible learning ensures that students can equally access the learning materials and experiences whether onsite or the digital learning through LEARN, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Active Learning Active learning (Bonwell and Eison 1991), provides opportunities for learners to construct knowledge through different types of authentic interactions with content (onsite or digital) that aligns to learning outcomes and involve more than simply passive access to content.
Asynchronous learning Asynchronous learning is self-paced to suit a students’ schedule. Students can satisfy requirements within a flexible time frame. Methods of asynchronous online learning include streaming video content, self-guided lesson activities, virtual forums, formative quizzes, posted lecture notes, and exchanges across discussion boards or social media platforms.
Blended Learning Blended learning combines the best of onsite teaching with learning that takes place in a digital environment, (whether that is onsite or remotely). It values the social elements of learning that take place through discussing ideas in groups, working collaboratively and receiving tutor feedback, with the flexibility of time and place of self-paced learning, to suit individual learning styles.
Data Driven Data is considered to have value in and of itself. Having the right insight into the information available to you can lead to worthwhile and new processes, goals and outcomes.
Digital Learning Learning which is mediated through an online environment and which may take place either synchronously (live) or asynchronously. It is not determined by a physical location and may include audio and visual recordings, video, live streamed lectures and Q&As, presentations, podcasts, forums, online interactives, quizzes and notes.
Digital Skills This refers to a range of transferable skills that enables both students and staff to effectively use a variety of tools to communicate and, interact effectively in the digital environment.  This includes familiarity and confidence in using a range of tools for videoconferencing, activity creation and interaction. More advanced digital skills include an awareness and understanding of what constitutes effective communication in an online environment. It also includes the ability to effectively differentiate the quality and usefulness of the content of third-party online materials.
Equality Act 2010 A legal framework to require the exercise of certain functions to be with regard to the need to eliminate discrimination and other prohibited conduct and to increase equality of opportunity.
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information from individuals who live in the UK.
Inclusivity Inclusive learning opportunities support all students to achieve the highest successful outcomes. It recognises and promotes the importance of diverse learners’ voices and enables participation through scaffolding and effective communication strategies and the removal of barriers.
Interactive Learning Objects A wide variety of interactive activities that require student input and can be accessed through LEARN including: computer assisted learning (CAL), Interactive quizzes (Moodle or other) formative assessments, SCORM packages, video recordings and reflection/quiz, forums, Padlets, etc.
Learning Analytics Learning analytics refers to the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about the progress of learners and the contexts in which learning takes place (Sclater and Mullan, 2017).
Lecture Capture Lecture capture is a technology which enables the recording, storage and delivery of materials (Ibrahim et al, 2021) At RVC Lecture Capture refers to the digital recording of live lectures in teaching spaces, in real time, using Panopto. Recorded content is included as part of a learning plan and is subsequently published, archived and can be accessed remotely via the Virtual Learning Environment (LEARN).
Learning plans The weekly sequence of learning activities which include class-paced teaching (onsite and digital) that appear on the timetable and self-paced digital opportunities that can be undertaken flexibly by students. The learning plan provides information for students to allow them to structure their study time effectively each week.
Onsite teaching Learning that takes place in a physical onsite space on any of the college campus spaces, rotation or placement locations, or at any of our partners physical spaces.
Personal Capture At RVC Personal Capture refers to the digital recording of lecture concepts or content made using Panopto by teaching staff. Recommendations for the ‘chunking’ of content Teaching staff make their recordings at their desktop and then subsequently publish the recording to be accessed remotely by students via the Virtual Learning Environment (LEARN). The recommended sequencing for students to watch the recorded content is included as part of a learning plan.
Personal data Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"). An identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that person.
Personalised learning Learning opportunities and experiences that allow students to make choices about how, when and where they will interact with some of their course. This could include choice of content such as electives or assessments (ie topics or portfolio submissions) and choice in the pace/place of undertaking learning experiences while working towards shared goals of their programme of study (Advance HE, 2018).
RVC Blended Learning Rubric An externally benchmarked framework of teaching strategies and design considerations for staff to use to develop and incorporate blended learning activities into their module or strand. The  quality standards define baseline and enhancement actions which provides a consistent approach to blended learning across a wide range of student learning opportunities in RVC programmes.
RVC Supported technologies RVC provides a number of centrally supported technologies a part of the digital infrastructure for learning and teaching (See RVC Tool Wheel). They are accessible to staff and students using an RVC username and password. These technologies for learning and teaching are centrally maintained, developed and supported by the professional service teams at RVC including LEARN, Exams, Library and IT. The centrally supported technologies allow for data streams to be developed which can be used as part of learning analytics and which provide institutional data to various stakeholders.
Scaffolding Scaffolding is an instructional method (Vygotsky, 1978) which provides support to learners in the form of text, facial, visual or verbal cues and feedback which direct students to engage with specific experiences or key concepts and learning opportunities as part of creating their individual learning journey. This roadmap can assist students in making decisions on sequencing of learning activities (self and class-paced), exploration of additional materials and strategies for revision and consolidation.
Student outcomes Student outcomes can be measured and quantified in many ways across the student lifecycle.  This may include access to education prior to enrolment and employability post-graduation. During the on-course part of students’ learning the term refers to the attainment of the learning outcomes of that level, typically validated through the assessment of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies, successful progression through the levels of the programme and the final level of degree classification. Success in these areas can be related to engagement.
Synchronous teaching Synchronous teaching, or ‘live’ events, are where students and instructors come together in a digital or physical space to: a) foster learning and belonging through social interaction and community; and b) to provide opportunities for students to practise the key skills needed to achieve learning outcomes. Methods of synchronous onsite learning include lectures, small group teaching, directed learning, practicals and tutorials. Methods of synchronous digital learning include video conferencing, teleconferencing, live chatting, and live-streaming lectures. Both are considered to be class-paced learning.
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Centrally provided and supported learning platform and supporting technologies – at RVC our VLE is commonly referred to as LEARN.

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