Research Leavers – Next Destinations

The RVC is committed to upholding the principles of  to support the career development of researchers, and demonstrating that a wide variety of career paths are open to researchers. The ability to move between different paths is key to a successful career.

As well as producing Case Studies, which highlight career progression, we would also like to share ‘Next Destination’ information of previously employed research staff, which highlights opportunities for your own career development and the possible career direction options.

Research Destinations 

In the period 2018 to 2020, 57 contract researchers left the College's employment and their leaving destinations were as follows:

  • Working in a research institution: 2
  • Working a higher education institution: 23
  • Returned to the RVC: 3
  • Working in the private sector: 5
  • Working in another public sector organisation: 1
  • Registered as a student: 4
  • Retired: 1
  • Not known: 7
  • Not in regular employment: 11

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