Page 15 - paws-and-hooves-autumn-2024







Page 15 - paws-and-hooves-autumn-2024
P. 15


       In conversation with... the new

       Chair of the RVC Animal Care Trust

       Following the impressive legacy of Professor Stephen May,

       Professor Christianne Glossop OBE is guiding the direction
       of our charity. We find out more about her.

       Tell us about                       What's been your

       your career...                      most rewarding

       I set my heart on becoming a vet    experience so far?
       when I was 13 years old. I will always   On a recent visit to the QMHA, I
       remember the first day I walked     spoke with one of the veterinary
       through that imposing door on Royal   nurses responsible for running
       College Street, joining the class of ’79,   the Blood Donor Programme. She
       grasping my dream. My qualifications   helped me understand the cycle
       opened a world of opportunities, and   of an animal being considered
       my career has been a fascinating    for blood donation, the process,
       blend of veterinary practice, research,   frequency of collection, and the
       teaching, and business, working in   way the blood is used. We also
       the private and public sectors, and   discussed the ethics and value of
       travelling the world. My recent role   blood donation. Her expertise and
       as Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales   understanding were inspiring, and
       involved leading the development and   a great example of what the ACT is
       delivery of animal health and welfare   achieving, quietly, day by day.
       policy following the devolution of
       powers from Westminster.            Why do you think it's

       What inspired you to  important to improve                              Professor Christianne Glossop OBE
       join the RVC Animal                 access to an RVC

       Care Trust?                         education?                             Professor Christianne Glossop
                                                                                  OBE, Chair of the RVC Animal
       Leaving my role in Wales gave me a   Many scholar students talk about      Care Trust:
       little more time and space, and I was   how their scholarship has lifted        Beneath each
       keen to apply my experience and     a weight from their shoulders,
       passion to the veterinary profession   enabling them to study at the RVC   appeal, and each
       in a new way. The ACT sits at the   with greater financial security. The   donation, there are
       heart of all that’s good about the RVC,   ACT is empowering young people   real people who
       supporting students and promoting   from different backgrounds to
       animal health and welfare.          follow their dreams of a fulfilling    want to make a
                                           career in animal health and welfare.   difference, and real
       What are your goals?                Supporting our future vets, nurses     animals standing

                                           and scientists in whatever way we
       An immediate goal is to deliver the   can is an investment for us all,     to benefit. Learning
       new blood donation facilities. A    and for the animals.                   more about their
       longer-term goal is to support the
       new animal hospital project in every                                       stories should
       way we can, while keeping the rest of                                      inspire us all   .
       the ACT’s work on the road.
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