Page 33 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26







Page 33 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
P. 33

YEAR                             YEARS                            YEAR (MSci courses only)
              1                                2 3 4


              COMPULSORY                       During your second and third year,   The fourth year for our MSci courses
              MODULES*:                        you will have compulsory modules   is dedicated to large research
                 • Biology of cells            specific to your chosen Biological   projects at the RVC or during an
                 • Inheritance, genetics       Sciences course pathway, as well as   industrial placement. This year will
                and evolution                  optional modules you can choose   build on your knowledge gained from
                 • Developmental biology       from. A full list of modules can be   your first three years and develop
                 • The moving animal           found on the Biological Sciences   your scientific and transferable skills
                                               course pages, 37-45.
                                                                                further, making you ‘work ready’ and
                 • Integrated physiology I
                                                                                able to realise your full potential as
                 • Integrated physiology II                                     soon as you embark on your chosen
                 • Problem definition                                           career path. You will be engaged
                and investigation                                               in extended research projects and
                 • Research project                                             receive training in advanced research
              *Please note that these are indicative modules                    methodology and critical analysis, to
              and may be subject to change. All modules                         prepare you for careers in academic,
              are 15 credits unless noted otherwise.                            clinical, or industrial settings.


              All of our Biological Sciences   All courses offer the opportunity   We welcome applications from
              courses contain investigative   to undertake a work placement    students with a wide range of
              research projects in the second   after Year 2. The industry-based   qualifications. For a complete list of
              and third years. Your research   placement involves an additional   academic qualifications and English
              projects will be conducted with   year based at an employer, where   Language requirements for these
              supervision from a specialist   you can focus on developing skills   courses, please see page 46-47.
              member of RVC academic staff    and industry expertise that will sit   Application is via UCAS for which
              and will enable you to continue to   alongside the knowledge you gain   the deadline is January 2025.
              develop your practical, analytical,   throughout your course. Please
              and reasoning skills as well as   note that you will need to find your   COURSE COSTS (PER YEAR)
              communication, teamwork and     own placement, but support and   UK tuition fees: £9,250*
              professional development skills.   guidance will be given, as well as   International tuition fees: £24,370*
              Some projects are located at    tutorial support throughout your   Placement/sandwich year: £1,850*
              RVC, whilst others take place at   placement year.               *Tuition fees are subject to change.
              a relevant establishment, such as                                Fees listed are representative of entry
              a farm, zoo or animal sanctuary                                  in 2024 and should be used as a guide
              depending on your chosen                                         only. See page 88 for more information.
              Biological Sciences pathway.

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