Page 52 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26







Page 52 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
P. 52

RVET           6                      CAMDEN &
           R84          YEARS       D190        HAWKSHEAD                               f


        VETERINARY                                            PRACTICAL AND
                                                              CLINICAL TEACHING
        GATEWAY                                               ANIMAL HUSBANDRY EXTRA-MURAL STUDIES (AHEMS)*

                                                              is undertaken during the pre-clinical years of the
                                                              programme. AHEMS placements are designed to help you
        This Veterinary Gateway course is                     consolidate your learning about animal husbandry, develop
        aimed at students who want to study                   animal handling skills, and learn about animal industries.
                                                              It is advised that students complete up to six weeks of
        veterinary medicine but who might not                 AHEMS in their Gateway year (which includes, the Easter
        otherwise meet our entry requirements.                and summer vacation periods). Only equine, dairy cattle,
                                                              lambing and companion animal placements can be
        The programme integrates an additional                completed in the Gateway year. All placements completed

        preparatory year designed to equip you                in the Gateway year count towards your total AHEMS
                                                              requirements. Currently, students complete 12 weeks of
        with the knowledge and skills you need                AHEMS before entry to Year 3 of the course, comprising:
        to study veterinary medicine.                           • Two weeks on a lambing enterprise
                                                                • Two weeks on a dairy cattle farm
                                                                • Two weeks of equine experience
        COURSE COSTS (PER YEAR)                                 • One week at a commercial pig or poultry operation
        UK tuition fees: £9,250*                                • One week at dog or cat establishment (cattery, kennel,
                                                                veterinary practice)
        * Tuition fees are subject to change. Fees listed are representative of entry in 2024
        and should be used as a guide only. See page 88 for more information.    • Four weeks of your choice

                                                              AHEMS placements involve spending a number of weeks
        COURSE OVERVIEW                                       based at employers, where you can focus on developing
                                                              workplace skills and industry expertise that will sit alongside
        The programme focuses on developing your analytical,   the knowledge you gain throughout your course.
        problem-solving and practical skills in the biological sciences;
        improving your study, team working and communication skills,   *Requirements for the number of  weeks of  AHEMS and ClinicalEMS
        and introducing you to the handling and husbandry (care and   may be subject to change in the future.
        management) of animals, most of them farm animals.

        If you successfully complete the Gateway year you will
        progress to Year 1 of our Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
        degree programme. You will also be eligible to apply for
        veterinary degrees at other UK universities.

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